About Hypnosis
What Is Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: The Power of the Mind and Human Potential
The mind can promote healing from illness as well as an overall feeling of happiness. Optimism and a positive state of mind can affect the immune, the endocrine and the nervous systems, thus expanding life expectancy. Hypnosis engages and optimizes our most powerful mental resource, the subconscious mind, and allows us to effortlessly break bad habits and addictions. By changing your intentions and upgrading your belief system, you will live your life by design, not default, and transform your dreams into destiny.. Learning self-hypnosis will more efficiently and effectively accomplish your personal and professional goals. Exploratory hypnosis is another application that helps to identify and stop self-sabotaging behaviors caused by negative emotions trapped in the subconscious mind. Since repetition is crucial, all sessions are recorded so that you can economically change your mental software to achieve your desired goals
Myths and Misconceptions About Hypnosis
1. Do I give up free will and control?
No, you don’t give up your free will or walk like a duck! That is stage hypnosis and is performed for entertainment. As your hypnotherapist, I merely serve as a skilled and knowledgeable guide and facilitator. You are in control and can say “no” to end the session any time you like.
2. Is it dangerous?
It is natural, wholistic, non-chemical and a very pleasant experience. It is a simple, but powerful process and thus should not be used by anyone who is not a professional or has intentions of malice.
Can I Be Hypnotized?
Most people are hypnotizable, although there are people who can’t be hypnotized:
Those who don’t want to be hypnotized
Those who are fearful or anxious about it
Those who may be mentally ill or limited
Since repetition is crucial, all sessions are recorded so that you can economically change your mental software to achieve your desired goals.
The mind can promote healing from illness as well as an overall feeling of happiness. Optimism and a positive state of mind can affect the immune, the endocrine and the nervous systems, thus expanding life expectancy. Hypnosis engages and optimizes our most powerful mental resource, the subconscious mind, and allows us to effortlessly break bad habits and addictions. By changing your intentions, we can down design and alter our destiny. Learning self-hypnosis will more efficiently and effectively accomplish your personal and professional goals.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
Hypnotherapy works by working where the problem is. Have you ever tried to break a bad habit or compulsion, but continued to do it? Have you ever felt nervous or anxious for no logical reason? When you “want” to change how you think or feel, but don’t seem to have the will power to do it, it’s because the source of the problem is below the conscious level. That’s why the problem is so difficult to solve with just talk or good intentions and goal setting. Hypnosis enables you to work directly in the areas where those feelings, beliefs and habits originate – on the subconscious level.
If you don’t like a TV show and want to change the channel, you must first have the remote in your hand. Hypnosis puts the power in your hands and allows you to easily and effortlessly change the channel and the movies of your life.

Two Types of Hypnosis:
Suggestive: While most hypnosis is suggestive and is implemented to break bad habits, change thoughts and behavioral patterns, and assist in health and healing, exploratory hypnosis is an effective tool to identify and release underlying, subconscious self-sabotaging beliefs.
Exploratory Exploratory: Exploratory hypnosis is another application that helps to identify and stop self-sabotaging behaviors caused by negative emotions trapped in the subconscious mind. Since repetition is crucial, all sessions are recorded so that you can economically change your mental software to achieve your desired goals.
Coaching: Tools and Techniques for Healthy Life Choices
Life – Personal
Relationships: Marriage, divorce, family, parenting
Professional: Career and business
Leadership: Executive and workplace issues
Speech – Presentation: Communicate like a “pro”
Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Facilitation
Divorce-Family- Organizational